Sophrology Divonne - Pays de Gex


Sophrologist trained at "Ecole Suisse de Sophrologie Caycédienne", I run sophrology workshops in partnership with associations and psychologists as well as for groups of private persons. I also intervene in individual sessions for a specific problem (symptoms, pathology) and for all people who aspire to a "well-being".


Besides sophrology, I practice mindfulness in my daily life or during formal meditation sessions as well as yoga and dancing at an advanced level. I try to convey as much as possible the values that have an importance in my life: family, harmony, freedom, love, authenticity and respect for nature and all kind of sensitive beings.



Muriel Régnier


Tél: 06 72 91 88 96


Siret: 813 433 729 00031

Assurance Responsabilité Civile Professionnelle